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How a Fateful Change of Heart Led Rohan Marley To Become an International Fair Trade Coffee Mogul via [Marley Coffee and Jamaica Observer]]

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Did you know we have a coffee farm??

posted by Rohan Marley via Hot In The Marley Coffee Blog


“I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world” George Washington

All Marley Coffees are certified organic and shade-grown on bio-diverse land without pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers or other additives. While some coffee producers slash and burn their fields, so the sun can fully penetrate their crop, and they can increase their coffee yield, Marley Coffee’s shade-grown farming method preserves the habitats of dozens of species.

In addition to being a model for sustainable agricultural practices, Marley Coffee takes exceptionally good care of its workers. Marley farm workers are paid twice the average wage. And, a percentage of Marley Coffee sales goes to the Kicks for Cause Foundation, which aims to provide the children of farm workers with playable soccer fields and camps.

The names of the gourmet coffee blends play off the names of Bob Marley songs:
•    One Love
•    Jammin Java
•    Lively Up!
•    Mystic Morning
•    Simmer Down (decaffeinated)

Our 52-acre Blue Mountain Coffee farm is located near Chepstowe, Portland in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica. Rohan Marley, chairman and founder of Marley Coffee, purchased the farm over ten years ago. Rohan was casually introduced to this magnificent piece of land by a good friend, and immediately fell in love, purchasing it on the spot.

Rohan cooling off in the river

It was the calm, clear river that initially drew Rohan to the property, as he would travel there nearly every day for an exhilarating dive off the 30 ft. cliff and a refreshing swim, but he soon became curious about what else the property had to offer.  It didn’t take long to realize that amidst all of the delicious fruits, grew the esteemed Blue Mountain Coffee.

From that day forward, Rohan has been focused on organically cultivating this land to produce the best possible organic Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee the world has to offer. Below are a few pictures from our beloved farm. Enjoy!!

Yep, that’s all coffee!!





Marley Coffee set to stir it up

BY AL EDWARDS via Jamaiican Observer

THE venture into coffee production by Rohan Marley, son of reggae icon Bob Marley, appears to be paying dividends as his company seeks to give the Marley Coffee brand a global presence.


Speaking with Caribbean Business Report from the Bob Marley Museum where he has an operational base, Rohan Marley recounted the early years and how he broke into the coffee business.

Back in 1998 a Rastafarian friend of Marley’s called him in New Jersey where he was living at the time, and offered to show him a 52-acre property in Portland, Jamaica, that would prove a worthy investment. His interest piqued and valuing his friend’s judgement he jumped on a flight to Jamaica to check it out.

The breathtaking Blue Mountains

“Although my father started out as a farmer and talked about getting back into it, I had no inclination to follow in his footsteps. To be honest, I didn’t think I had any aptitude for it and it didn’t interest me but I must say my initial impression of the property was favourable,” said Marley.

“I remember hearing this rumbling sound and was told that it was a river that ran through it. That made it for me, but I was apprehensive. I thought this must be some bandooloo business because there is no way anyone would give up this beautiful piece of land. Anyway, I got my chequebook out and sealed the deal right there and then,” said Marley.


Most of Bob Marley’s progeny have gone into the entertainment business and have had some success there. Rohan chose instead to go into business ventures. He studied sociology at the University of Miami and was a linebacker for the university’s football team, Hurricanes.

He would later go on to play professionally for the Canadian Football League’s Ottawa Rough Riders. Today, he still has an athletic physique and can still strut his stuff on the gridiron.

Marley realised that with his newly acquired title came a once-working coffee farm. After taking over the property he was told that the workers were not to be trusted and that praedial larceny was the order of the day. Marley quickly assessed that it would do him no good if he was viewed in the same way as the previous owner and set about discovering what “a gwaan.”

Delicious pineapple and coconuts on the farm

“They told me that they picked the fuit and vegetables and used them to feed the community and that was regarded as theft. I said if we are going to have a good relationship, things would have to change. I instructed them that from now on, what was on the trees was to be used to feed the community and that a new sheriff was in town. I would not have a problem with them eating what came from the farm. I had to motivate them and encourage them to become self-sufficient,” he said.

Rohan enjoying some fresh “jelly” (coconut water)

“With a farm came a community of workers but it was not profitable. I decided to try and turn it around. The first decision I took, and still stand by today, was to be go organic, — no pesticides. In 2000, we established a company and set up offices here on Hope Road at the Marley Museum,” he explained.

He contacted the Coffee Board in order to find out just how an organic coffee farm could become a viable business and what would be needed to satisfy regulations. It proved extremely difficult to get the required licence and he spent years just reaping coffee berries and being unable to process them. He solicited the assistance of his good friend, Balram Vaswani, who would prove instrumental in shaping and leading the company and setting it on a path for growth.

Marley had a fortuitous meeting with a coffee processor who told him to bring what he had reaped and that he could get him ready for the market. The young Marley was not prepared to send his coffee to the Coffee Board for a measly $2,405 a box. Why? Because the coffee is sold in the United States for US$50 per pound. The way Marley saw it, the powers that be are making money off the coffee farmers, hand over fist.

“Man, I’m not that smart but I’m not that dumb. The Coffee Board was not offering a worthwhile deal so I thought best to process it myself.

I bought the necessary machinery, humidifiers, the works. The guy who offered to process my coffee didn’t work out, and I was left with containers consisting of 132 pounds per bag of coffee sitting in my house waiting for somebody to take me to the next level. Hardly the right start for a fledgling business.”

He went back to the United States and then on to Ethiopia to find himself, spiritually. His hiatus there saw him encountering coffee on the African continent and that period would serve to deepen his knowledge of the crop. In 2009, he looked to Vaswani to turn the company around and come on board full-time as CEO. Vaswani saw the potential and dutifully obliged, setting his sights on acquiring that elusive licence and ramping up the company’s marketing arm, while at the same time identifying potential markets. Eleven years after Marley secured the farm in Portland and set out to be a coffee farmer, Vaswani successfully managed to land not only the Coffee Board licence but also a dealer’s licence, as well. Marley Coffee Limited was on its way.

Taking off

“What that meant was that we could register our trademark as a genuine Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee,” Vaswani explained. “The dealer’s licence means that we can buy coffee from other suppliers to meet demand. Today, we can meet any contract and can supply coffee at will. I looked at all the coffee brands and organisations, including Mavis Bank’s Jablum. What we wanted to establish was a distinct brand with the Marley vibe that would command respect. I think people would have to agree that today, respect is due.”

Vaswani was particularly impressed with the Sharp family’s coffee operation, moreso its marketing savvy. He saw an alliance there that could take Marley Coffee to the next level.

Rohan checking out the coffee during harvest season

“Balram came up with a fantastic business plan and took the time to acquaint himself with a number of coffee traders he introduced me to,” explained Marley. “From there our fortunes changed and we were on the crest of a wave. His business acumen has really made the difference. The Sharps came on board and both Jason and Richard (Sharp) brought so much to the table. They both were behind the idea of producing an exportable Blue Mountain coffee. The idea is to get Blue Mountain coffee into places it has never been before. To us, it is not just about exporting to Japan. The European and United States markets are still largely untapped and we see great potential there. Already, Marley Coffee can be found in 23 locations in Whole Foods stores throughout California and we have formed a great relationship with them. They have been very gracious in giving us fantastic exposure.”

Rohan making his way around the farm

The co-branding of the Marley name with Jamaica’s most notable premium agricultural product is a formidable mix, and selling it to export markets has gone down well, so far. Rohan and Vaswani have already come up with a number of different brands and price points that include “Buffalo Soldier”, “Mystic Morning”, “Lively Up!”, “Simmer Down”, “One Love”, and “Lion’s Blend Jammin Java”, which is a line they have created for bulk-buying by restaurants, hotels, educational institutions and corporations with a notable catering arm.


There is even an Ethiopian coffee line. A 340 g/12-ounce bag of Jamaica Blue Mountain Marley Coffee will set you back about US$20.00, which is competitively priced compared to other offerings out there on the market.

The Marley brand


Bob Marley, who died almost 30 years ago is challenging both Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson for the title of richest deceased celebrity. Toronto-based private equity firm Hilco Consumer Capital has struck a management deal with the Marley Estate, which is expected to generate worldwide annual sales in excess of US$1 billion by 2012. This is all the more remarkable considering Jamaica’s total GDP is US$12 billion.


According to Fortune Magazine, the Marley name has already generated US$650 million in pirated merchandise. Mickey Goodman, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, says: “Bob Marley is a strong global brand. He enjoys a high level of awareness and people feel positive about his music.”

Bob Marley’s children are intent on seeing that his legacy remains intact and that future generations will remain financially comfortable. Aware of the potency of the brand, The House of Marley has been formed for the purpose of operating all products and services bearing Jamaica’s most famous son’s name and image. Only last November, action sports label Billabong signed a deal with Marley & Co to collaborate on the Billabong X Bob Marley Collection. The line consists of boardshorts, T-shirts, tank tops and selected accessories. The Billabong X Bob Marley collection is made using premium recycled and organic materials, supporting environmentally safe products.

“Working with the Marley family to interpret their vision of their father onto our garments has been inspiring,” notes Billabong Design Director Rob McCaty. “Cedella and Ziggy (Marley) have provided great insight to make this collaboration a success.”


The Marley Collection is prominently

featured in all Billabong

shop windows throughout the world.

Bob Marley may well be looking down with pride at the entrepreneurial savvy displayed by his children who have taken what he has created and managed to “Catch a Fire” in different arenas. They certainly haven’t sat on their laurels and relied solely on record royalties flowing in.


Bringing in the Champ, Lennox Lewis

The Caribbean market has not escaped Marley Coffee’s attention and here they have elicited the help of Brew Brothers, which is run by the Dadlani family.

“The Dadlani family represent the Cartier brand in Jamaica,” said Vaswani. “They know how to represent and position a brand. We want our coffee to be presented in the same way as a luxury item is. To that end, we are not driven by price but rather by quality. We are now in the Caves, Tryall, Round Hill and Good Hope. We want to create a number of different price points while at the same time not sacrificing quality. We have plans for our bags to be stitched and made in Trench Town so people in that community can earn an income.

“Right now, 80 per cent of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is exported to Japan. We want to go the opposite direction and then look at the Japanese market, when it is ready for us. We want to enter that market properly and do so with experience in place of other substantial markets,” explained Vaswani.

Former boxing heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis, who has a residence in Jamaica, has come on board as a shareholder in Marley Coffee and is excited about its potential and the progress made thus far. He will serve as an ambassador of the brand.

“Lennox Lewis is one of the best heavyweight champions the world has ever seen,” said Vaswani. “He moved back to Jamaica and wanted to put his name and presence behind a Jamaican company. He chose Marley Coffee and he is wholeheartedly behind it and is an important shareholder. Marley Coffee is comprised of Rohan Marley and the Marley family, Lennox Lewis, myself, the Sharp family (Jason and Richard), and Shane Whittle.”

Listing on the OTC Stock Exchange


Last year, Rohan Marley listed Jammin Java on the US OTC Stock Exchange, coming in at an initial share price of 15 cents. Today, the share price stands at US$1.54 and Jammin Java coffee boasts a market cap of US$104 million. There are now plans to open two coffee shops — one at the Bob Marley Museum on Hope Road in Kingston, the other in Austria. The shops should be open to the public sometime next year. The idea is to have one location per country rather than attempting to emulate the Starbucks model.



“We want to create the entire coffee-making experience for our customers. We are working with the Scharf family (who have over 1,000 coffee shops across Europe) where they have created a simulator which will enable people to come into our shops and see the coffee being picked and the farm at work. We also want to introduce streaming and video conferencing. Bob Marley’s Facebook page has 23 million friends and so the power of social networking cannot be ignored.

“The next stage for Marley Coffee is to launch our distribution network in Jamaica. We will hit the streets with all our SKUs and look to build relationships. We have recently completed a distribution deal to take Marley Coffee into the UK and Ireland. Who knows, we may even list on the Jamaica Stock Exchange some time soon,” said Marley.

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OPULUXE Lifestyle Design™ Quick& Decadent Last- Minute Father’s Day Gifts

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Last-minute Father’s Day luxury gifts  via LibertyLuxuo, and Elite Traveler

Father’s Day is almost upon us, but there’s still time to make sure your Dad’s day is extra special. We’ve picked out the most luxurious of gifts that he’s sure to love, find something perfect for your pop now in our Father’s Day Shop. Or if he’s a true adventurer at heart, treat him with our ultimate travellers gifts…

1. Globe, £120

2. Airplane Desk Accessory by Troika, £27

3. Wicker iPhone Sleeve by Liberty London for Apple, £50

4. Places to Remember Notebook by Leathersmith of London, £30.50

5. Leather Weekend Bag by Calabrese, £515

6. Facial Fuel Moisturiser by Kiehl’s, £30.50

Spinning Blue Globe Facial Fuel by Kiehl's Silver Airplane Desk Accessory iPhone Cover Leather Doctor's Bag Places to Remember

FitFolio iPad Case 468x353 Last minute Fathers Day travel gifts

Father’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world June 19, meaning there’s less than a week to pick something to show you really care. Here a selection of some of our favorite guy-friendly items.

Kodak Playsport G2

Launched in January this year, the Playsport G2 is purpose-built for Dads who want to capture the action, no matter where they are.

Capture photos and HD videos using the compact unit, safe in the knowledge that it’s water-, dust- and shock-proof.

£149.99/$149.95/€179.99 – http://www.kodak.com

Otis Batterbee Luxury Travel Pillow

Sleep in comfort and style when on the go with these luxury travel pillow from Otis Batterbee.

Finished in three deluxe soft wool fabrics, patterns available include Prince of Wales Check, Grey Pinstripe and Mono Spot, with a burgundy velvet backing.

£75/€95/$125 – http://www.otisbatterbee.com

Otis Batterbee Travel Pillow 468x379 Last minute Fathers Day travel gifts

BlackBerry Playbook

Available in the US since April, BlackBerry’s PlayBook makes its debut in Europe this month, launching in the UK June 16.

The 425 gram tablet is ideal for busy travelers and is available with a host of exclusive accessories, but make sure to preload it with the Blackberry Travel app.

From £399/$499 – http://www.blackberry.com

Bottega Veneta Nero Intecciato VN Credit Card Case

With six slots and an open compartment, this unisex luxury credit card case is perfect for traveling light and staying organized.

Available in black or brown – $240/£145 – http://www.bottegaveneta.com

Weber Q100

Enable Dad to take the BBQ anywhere with the Weber Q100 mobile grill.

With built-in carry-handles and thermometer, a fold-out table and push-button ignition, it’s perfect for chefs with a sense of adventure.

Rolling carry cases are available separately.

$159/€214 – http://www.weber.com

The BlackBerry PlayBook 468x373 Last minute Fathers Day travel gifts

Redfoot Men’s Shoes

Redfoot’s patented folding shoes have already proved a hit with women, but the brand’s split-sole Redfoot Man loafers are also ideal for the gent who likes to travel light.

The shoes are available in Seal Black and Chestnut Brown and come with a lightweight nylon wallet for easy storage.

£110/€165/$176 – http://www.redfootman.com

FitFolio iPad Case

Speck’s FitFolio adds rear-protection to the iPad2 while maintaining all of the smart cover functionality, making it perfect for toughening the ever-popular tablet.

Available in Black, Red and Grey.

£32.95/€39.95/$39.95 – http://www.speckproducts.com

Bear Grylls Ultimate Tool

Good enough for the king of adventures himself, the Ultimate Tool features 12 components and a texturized rubber handle for comfort.

The six inch ‘king of tools’ includes needle nose pliers, a fine edge knife, two screwdrivers, a bottle opener, a saw and a pair of wire cutters.

£49.99 – http://www.firebox.com / $57.99 – http://bear.gerbergear.com

Rosetta Stone Version 4 TOTALe

An unusual but surprisingly satisfying gift, Rosetta Stone’s language courses allow students to learn a new language quickly and easily.

The latest version of the award-winning software is available in over 20 languages from Arabic to Turkish and comes with a free iPad app for learning on the move.

From £139/$179 – http://www.rosettastone.com

Redfoot Man 468x553 Last minute Fathers Day travel gifts

Want to really spoil your dad on Father’s Day? Ready to shell out at least a grand to do it? Elite Traveler has a list of extravagant gifts that should wow even the worldliest of dads. Why would an ice pick cost $200,000? Why if it’s made of white gold, diamonds and sapphires, of course! This Belvedere’s Jagger Dagger is available at Harrod’s of London. (Elite Traveler)
Dad doesn’t have to own a car to get a thrill from driving it. One sure-fire way to get his heart racing is to enroll him in World Class Driving. In the program, which is held across the country, students spend $1,495 for a day of learning how to rule the road in speed machines like this Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder. (Elite Traveler)
If Dad likes to open wine bottles with style, consider a monogrammed, jewel-encrusted corkscrew from Gershon Ltd. Made with everything from warthog tusk to diamonds, these fancy wine openers start at about $2,000. (Elite Traveler)
If your father likes card games, this present isn’t much of a gamble: This ebony Poke Box, by Ghiso, is lined with velvet calf leather and includes more than 200 chips made of various woods. But you might have to win big to afford this gift — it costs $4,250. (Elite Traveler)
Why take Dad out for drinks when you can stay in with some high-class tequila? Billed as the ultimate gift for tequila connoisseurs, The 1800 Coleccion Anejo comes from agaves aged at least 10 years and is served in a pewter decanter designed by Mexican artist Alejandro Colunga. It sells for $1,800. (Elite Traveler)
Even if Dad’s a macho guy, he might not mind a pink gift — especially if it’s this pink gold, palladium and brass lighter by S.T. Dupont. It sells for $870. (Elite Traveler)
If Dad’s not a fan of commercial airliners and you’ve got more than $100,000 to burn, consider this Flexjet25 Card from Bombardier. It comes with 25, 30 or 35 hours of flight time onboard a fleet of Challengers and Learjets. Prices for the cards start at about $120,000. (Elite Traveler)
A father who wants to curb his carbon footprint while burning up the road might be fond of this battery-powered Tesla Roadster. The $100,000 luxury car goes from 0 to 60 mph in less than four seconds. (Elite Traveler)
A father and son with matching tastes might desire matching timepieces, like these IWC Pilot’s Watches. A set of two watches, one platinum and one steel, sells for $49,000. (Elite Traveler)
A partnership between Swiss watchmaker Jean Richard and Italian racing motorcycle company MV Agusta has produced the MV 75 World Champion Collection timepieces. The watches, which are made in gold, titanium or steel, sell for between $8,000 and $21,500. (Elite Traveler)

Tags: #Liberty, #Luxuo, #Elite Traveler,#Luxury Father’s Day Gifts,#Father’sDay 2011,

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It’s official: Prince William and Kate Middleton are engaged! via [usatoday]

Britain’s Prince William and Kate Middleton leave the wedding of their friends Harry Mead and Rosie Bradford in the village of Northleach, England, in this October 23, 2010. 

By Chris Ison, AP

After all the rumors and speculation, Prince William and Miss Katherine “Kate” Middleton are now engaged.

Prince Charles announced today that William popped the question in October in Kenya, and the two will marry in “spring or summer” 2011 in London.

The announcement noted that William asked Kate’s father for her hand in marriage. The couple will live in North Wales after they wed. No details were given on the proposal or the ring.

William, 28, and Kate, 28, have been dating for eight years, and Kate had been dubbed ‘Waity Katy’ amid criticism that she was hanging on for a proposal. But now we can all get ready for what will be the biggest royal event since Prince Charles married Diana in 1981.

The Daily Mail reports that we can expect William and Kate to appear in public for photographs soon, when the princess-in-waiting will show off her engagement ring. The first interview with the pair is being broadcast tonight in England,

Already, chatter is going strong about Kate’s dress, Kate’s ceremony and how many babies Kate will have. “She’s going to be breeding up a storm,” said Daily Beast editor and royal expert Tina Brown on Good Morning America.

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Bernie Madoff’s High-End Yard Sale via [nydailynews]


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Madoff auction raises $1m


Madoff auction raises $1m
Nov 15, 2009

Bernie Madoff auction draws hundreds of bidders for Ponzi schemers possessions

BY Henrick Karoliszyn AND Christina Boyle

Saturday, November 13th 2010, 2:37 PM

Bernie Madoff's grand piano sold for $42,000 at auction.

Bernie Madoff’s grand piano sold for $42,000 at auction.

Bernie Madoff‘s bling went under the hammer in New York Saturday.

The contents of the Ponzi schemer’s luxury upper East Side penthouse and Montauk beach house – from his velveteen slippers to his Steinway piano – were up for auction at the Sheraton Hotel & Towers.

Hundreds of buyers flocked to the Midtown hotel ready to part with their hard-earned cash, and more than 1,000 online bidders also drove up the price of the goods once owned by the notorious swindler.

“I was going to buy another piano, so why not buy one with a little history to it?” said John Rodger, 81, from East Islip, L.I., who snapped up the Steinway and Sons grand piano for $42,000. “It makes it kind of interesting. It’s a conversation piece.”

He added, “It has a little bit of history to it and it’s a little hysterical too.”

Madoff’s size 8 1/2 size slippers can be yours. Getty

Auctioneers Gaston and Sheehan are overseeing the sale of the 489 lots, which were seized by U.S. Marshals after Madoff, who is serving 150 years in prison, was arrested for swindling investors out of $65 billion.

The auction was expected to raise at least $1.5 million and will go towards a fund for the victims. But with many of the items on the block selling for well above the initial asking price, the final figure for the stash could be much greater.

“I wish it went for less, but it’s a good investment,” said Zach Zaman, 27, who bought up a Tabriz rug for $30,000, even though the auction catalogue’s estimated price was $2,500 to $3,000.

Madoff’s custom platinum ring with a 10.5-carat diamond is possibly worth $300,000. Getty

The rug had special significance for Zaman, who lives in Forest Hills, Queens: his father sold it to Madoff 10 years ago, and he felt it was important to bring it back into the family.

“I think it will be more valuable now with all that’s happened. It’s something people will talk about,” said Zaman, who didn’t know how much his father sold it for.

“It is in the same condition it was in when it was sold,” she added. “I’m glad we will have it back.”

This is the second auction of Madoff’s belongings. The first, last year, raised nearly $1 million, according to the U.S. Marshals.


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/11/13/2010-11-13_bernie_madoff_auction_draws_hundreds_of_bidders_for_ponzi_schemers_possess

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Stars and Their Billionaire Beaus via [omg]


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OPULUXE Lounge GroovesPlayList

Check out these female celebs who happen to have extremely rich boyfriends.

The one piece of advice my wealthy godmother always offered me was that I could “marry more money in 5 minutes than I could make in a lifetime.” Crass, but true.

Janet Jackson

The best way to get over an ex? Snag a wealthy businessman from Quatar. Janet Jackson, 44, got together with Wissam Al Mana — the 30-something director of the Middle Eastern luxury company Al Mana Retail — following her breakup with longtime partner Jermaine Dupri. Jackson and Al Mana went public earlier this year, making appearances at Paris Fashion Week and on the streets of London where she’d been promoting “Why Did I Get Married Too?

Salma Hayek

First came baby, then came marriage for Salma Hayek and Francois-Henri Pinault. The 44-year-old actress and the 48-year-old French luxury magnate — he’s the CEO of the PPR group, which oversees Gucci and Balenciaga, among other brands — welcomed daughter Valentina in September 2007. They announced their engagement the following summer only to call it off months later. Reconciliation followed and so did two marriage ceremonies: one in City Hall in Paris and another in Venice. A win for both Hayek and Henri!
Tyra Banks
It takes a strong, confident man to handle Tyra Banks. Enter John Utendahl, the dashing — and deep-pocketed — boyfriend of the over-the-top supermodel and entrepreneur. The pair typically keeps a low profile, but it was a special occasion Monday night when they arrived hand-in-hand to the “Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps” premiere in New York. Utendahl, who is in his fifties, first hooked up with Banks, 36, in 2007 and they’ve been quietly dating ever since. The businessman is a veteran Wall Street banker and owner of the Utendahl Group, an investment-banking firm.
Naomi Campbell
Naomi Campbell met her real estate mogul boyfriend Vladislav Doronin at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival, and now lives with him in Moscow. The 40-year-old supermodel brought Doronin to her appearance on “Oprah” in May. Sitting in the studio audience, he revealed he was legally married but separated from his wife of more than 10 years. “We don’t live together,” he said. Campbell told Oprah, “I like the men to wear the pants. I don’t want to wear the pants. I like men who know what they want, know what they’re doing, make their own decisions.”
Padma Lakshmi
Stunning “Top Chef” host Padma Lakshmi recently celebrated her 40th birthday with a lavish dinner party hosted by the wildly wealthy Teddy Forstmann, who is 30 years her senior. The chairman and CEO of IMG talent agency reportedly hired cancan dancers, contortionists, and a marching band. (That is love!) In February, Lakshmi gave birth to her first child, daughter Krishna, now 7 months old. (Krishna’s bio-dad is, reportedly, businessman Adam Dell, the younger brother of computer honcho Michael Dell.)

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Wide-Eyed Tales from Kimora and Russell Simmons’ Epic Yard Sale via [gawker]


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Wide-Eyed Tales from Kimora and Russell Simmons' Epic Yard Sale

The lavish New Jersey mansion once home to Kimora Lee Simmons and her ex-husband Russell has been sold. But first they’re having a yard sale! It includes Warhol paintings, $20,000 bronzes, fur coats, and a $200,000 bed.

The divorced hip-hop power couple’s Saddle River, NJ mansion—which has been featured in MTV Cribs and Kimora Lee: Life in the Fast Lane—was sold last month for $13.9 million. (That was down from the original price of $23.8 million.) This weekend, scavengers are invited to pillage the unbelievably luxe 10-bedroom mansion in the New Jersey yard sale to end all yard sales. Among the loot for sale:

  • Warhols paintings
  • “A bed once owned by slain clothing designer Gianni Versace is selling for $200,000. The pillow is $2,000,” according to the AP
  • $100,000 painting by Faith Ringgold
  • Dog carriers by Chanel and Dolce & Gabbana
  • $20,000 brass lions to flank your front door
  • Leopard-print doggie bed
  • Skeleton statue.
  • $7500 Versace chairs.
  • Fur coats, including a pink one.
  • $3 coffee mugs

One seventeen-year-old Kimora fan, who drove in from Pennsylvania, describes the yard sale’s appeal:

She was an original—before The [Real] Housewives of New Jersey. There are wonderful things inside. I saw a pink fur. I was told I had to pay cash. I wish I knew that… I’m most likely coming back.

WHAT A DEAL! A sign advertises the tag sale at the Simmonses' former estate in Saddle River, NJ, yesterday, attracting bargain hunter/fan Gemma Coccioli, who scored a doggie bed and skeleton statue for $20 each.

Christopher Sadowski
WHAT A DEAL! A sign advertises the tag sale at the Simmonses’ former estate in Saddle River, NJ, yesterday, attracting bargain hunter/fan Gemma Coccioli, who scored a doggie bed and skeleton statue for $20 each.

Russell and Kimora Lee Simmons are throwing the most Def garage sale in history.

The hip-hop mogul and his reality-TV star ex-wife opened up their recently sold New Jersey mansion yesterday for a massive, everything-must-go sale.

The offerings included everything from a $200,000 designer bed to a $20 doggie bed.

Signs posted throughout the home warned visitors, “If you break it, you bought it.”

Shoppers’ jaws dropped when they spotted items such as a $12,000 pool table, a $12,000 Persian rug, a $20,000 pair of brass lion statues and two couches from the South Beach home of the late Gianni Versace that went for $7,500 each.

“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” said Gemma Coccioli, who dropped $20 each for a doggie bed with leopard-print cushion and a skeleton statue.

“How cool for me to tell people that Kimora owned this.”

Russell Simmons, co-founder of Def Jam records and the Phat Farm clothing line, and Kimora, creative director of the Baby Phat fashion line, divorced last year. Last month, they sold their stately Saddle River home for $13.9 million.

Although the house on Fox Hedge Road has become famous as the backdrop of Kimora’s Style Network show, “Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane,” it fetched only a fraction of its original asking price of $23.8 million.

Yesterday, Kimora — who is now dating the actor Djimon Honsou and will be moving to LA — was spotted on the grounds with a video crew filming the sell-off for a episode of her show that a source said will air in November.

At one point, Kimora scratched her butt, then apologized to the crowd of onlookers, “Sorry you all saw me do that.”

The sale is expected to continue from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. today and tomorrow. Visitors are allowed to enter parts of the home to peruse items laid out on tables.

One of yesterday’s visitors, Doug Jacobs, got a bit of sticker shock.

“It’s weird that we can own some of their belongings if we wanted it, but it’s a small fortune,” he said.

The sale was executed by A1 Liquidators.

The priciest items were a $200,000 bed, which was among several items once owned by Versace, and a $100,000 acrylic painting called “The Dinner Quilt” by Faith Ringgold.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/big_phat_yard_sale_in_jersey_sO8NZSSI1eH3oEutNGUNaL#ixzz0xd87Zebe

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The Top Vacation Retreat Favorites of Billionaire Celebrities. via [travelvivi]


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Where Billionaire Celebrities Spend Their Vacations
Posted by L.K.

The economic crisis has not spared the world’s richest people: their losses are calculated with astronomical sums. But whether this was reflected in their vacation last year? Maybe when many ordinary families in general were forced to abandon holiday voyages, wealthy guests were taking their rest in all-inclusive hotels? No, the billionaires are in no hurry to part with their habits: they still continue to spend on holiday such amounts of money which are simply compatible with the budget of some developing countries. So let’s see where some of the richest celebrities like to relax according to the magazine Forbes.

Oprah Winfrey: Antigua

The best-known television host Oprah Winfrey loves to enjoy the peace of the Caribbeans. Despite the fact that she owns huge tracts of land on California’s beautiful lands, on Maui and Montecito, Oprah tends to rest in peace and tranquility under the huge palm trees in the washed crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean beaches.
To do this, she goes to the coast of Antigua, where her neighbors are usually celebrities such as Eric Clapton, one of the leading classic rock musicians. Here the problems seem to be decreased to the lowest level and thus there’s no needs to worry about the US hitches which are left to far from the unusual paradise.

Richard Branson: British Virgin Islands

Let’s be honest- the Caribbean are a real reserve of billionaires from various countries. The father-founder of  the huge corporation Virgin, Richard Branson, apparently having decided once again to play with the words, bought himself an island Necker – one of the British Virgin Islands, and built a huge house with eight rooms in Balinese style. While being surrounded with the turquoise waters, this piece of land lies on the softest fine-grained sand. This gives an additional opportunity to swim among the coral reefs surrounding the Necker or to start learning any other kind of water sports.
Branson has a full staff of servants, including a personal chef and masseuse. Incidentally, the famous businessman from time to time turns his possession. So if you have nowhere to go relaxing and have some extra hundreds of dollars to spend freely, you can easily live there too. He enjoys hosting around 28 guests who are resting next to him.

Paul Allen: Octopus Yacht

Long stays in one place seem to be tiring and even the fact that it’s a luxurious place for resting, doesn’t save celebrities from boredom. And because of this Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, doesn’t like to have a rest on solid ground while preferring instead to swim in his own mega-yacht that costs him $ 200 million.
In this floating five-star hotel there are not only ordinary pool and a cinema. The hotel owner and his guests have a basketball court, a couple of helicopters and a real submarine for 10 people.  The yacht is so big that the crew serving the miracle yacht is no more, no less than 60 people.

Roman Abramovich: Wildcat Ridge, Colorado, USA

Not all the celebrities of this world like sandy beaches, palm trees and warmer climates. Roman Abramovich, if he does not travel on his 170-meter yacht, usually chooses to rest in the countries with a cold climate. The owner of Chelsea Football Club loves to ski, and so bought himself a small, only 80 hectares, ranch Wildcat Ridge near the famous ski resort of Aspen in Colorado.
There is no need to get surprised. The thing is that Roman Abramovich is not only owning a club following the idea of healthy lifestyle, but he also enjoys various sports himself, trying to appear to the public in his best shape.

Bill Gates: Western Greenland

Another fan of the cold countries and places can be truly called Bill Gates. Once in 2008, the world’s most famous programmer has left Microsoft, he began charity work and because of his wife, Melinda to spend much time in Africa.
Let’s not make any kind of rumors about why the African heat bothers him, and he prefers to rest in Greenland, in the heart of skiing Apussuit Adventure Camp, let’s just take this fact as a note. Greenland is a truly wild corner of the world. Even the cities of this country are quite deserted and even some of them are not even inhabited, and only at a remote resort on the west of the island is where some adventurers like Bill Gates enjoy having a vacation.

Francois-Henri Pinault: Ibiza, Spain

Although most of the billionaires do not like to be on the center of attention and thus avoid journalists, it’s not true about Francois-Henri Pinault, the son of billionaire Francois Pinault. Not long ago he decided to conquer the world of fashion and art, making a present for paparazzi, having gone with his girlfriend actress Salma Hayek to Ibiza.
Photographers were waiting for a couple of moments to take pics of the couple who were relaxing on this Mediterranean coast, and their shots hit the magazines of all over the world. However, the young Mexican was not embarrassed at all: she was so charmed by Pino (or, at least, Ibiza), that next Valentine’s Day the young and attractive couple decided to get married.

Mukesh Ambani: Mumbai, India

However, not all billionaires like to overcross the seas and oceans to soak in somebody else’s country house. Indian telecom tycoon Mukesh Ambani prefers to relax at home. To this end, he decided to arrange a home in Mumbai in its own extravagant 27-storey skyscraper worth around one billion dollars. It seems to be rather interesting to have something like a hotel for your own.

Under construction now this man’s residence will take four floors, and there will be everything necessary for a modest multi-billionaire recreation: outdoor garden, a large dance hall with a chandelier, which occupies 4 / 5 ceiling, yoga studio and a special ice room, where you can hide from the Indian heat. The only question left to be answered is the one whether Mukesh plans to have all of the house for his own or going to have some “guests” to come over?

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15 sneaky ways Americans hide their shopping splurges via [shine.yahoo]

Beware Secret Accounts and Clothing in the Trunk

by CBS MoneyWatch.com,

Do you know whether your partner hides spending from you? You might want to check the trunk.

With wedding season in full swing, American Express’ new Spending & Savings Tracker survey focused on money and relationships. Their findings were a bit disturbing. An astounding 91% of Americans said they found reasons not to talk about money and were more likely to know their partner’s weight than his or her salary. Worse, when we do talk money, we often lie.

More than a quarter of respondents said they misrepresented the cost of a purchase and 30% say they’ve hidden purchases from their partner. When asked what was the craziest thing they’d done to hide their spending, respondents most often said they hid the purchase in the trunk of the car until their partner fell asleep, went to work, or traveled out of town.

Another significant portion of over spenders said that they just quietly put things in the back of the closet for a few weeks. Then, when asked, they could honestly say “I’ve had this for a long time.”

“I don’t have to do anything crazy,” said one respondent. “He’s not that observant.”

Those with observant spouses went to greater lengths. For instance, survey respondents said that they:

  • Concealed it in a grocery bag.
  • Stole out in the middle of the night to buy it and stash it under the bed.
  • Put it in a trash bag.
  • Removed the tags and pretended the clothes came from Goodwill.
  • Buried it in the back yard. (I did not make that up. Some woman is going to be really surprised when she replants her garden.)
  • Gave the item to a friend, who then gave it to the couple as “a gift.”
  • Had the item shipped to Mom.
  • Used the “Don’t ask/Don’t tell” policy– i.e. I didn’t lie because he/she didn’t ask.
  • Kept it (a new motorcycle) in his brother’s garage and said that the missing money was “a loan” to his parents
  • Made the purchase with the fake name “Vance Archer.” (Vance, you’re busted.)
  • Swallowed the receipt.”
  • Said it was “a gift.”
  • Bought it with a “secret account.”

Perhaps the subterfuge is understandable considering that 45% of the overall population and 72% of young professionals said discussions about household finances lead to arguments.

Conversations about finances seem to be avoided like the plague by most couples,” said Pamela Codispoti, American Express senior vice president and general manager of Consumer Card Products.

Nearly one-in-three couples (30%) said money caused the most relationship stress, distantly followed by intimacy for 11%; children (9%) and in-laws (4%).

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The List of The World’s Most Expensive Cities 2010 via [forbes and businessweek]

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The World’s Most Expensive Cities 2010

by Venessa Wong

provided by
For Americans overseas, exchange rates and cost-of-living
adjustments can make living overseas more expensive than back home.

New York ranks only No. 29

If you think $43 is too much to pay for lunch, you shouldn’t live in
Oslo. According to “ECA
, a global human resources company, that’s how much an
average lunch costs in Norway’s capital. But Oslo is only the
second-most expensive city on ECA’s ranking of 399 global locations. And
while the price of an average lunch in Tokyo is a comparatively modest
$17.86, other costs, such as a $22 movie ticket and an $8.47 kilo of
rice, earn it the dubious honor as the world’s most expensive city.

ECA’s ranking is based on a basket of 128 goods that includes food,
daily goods, clothing, electronics, and entertainment, but not rent,
utilities, and school fees, which are not typically included in a
cost-of-living adjustment. ECA researchers and local partners gathered
prices in September 2009 and March 2010 for domestic and imported brands
that are internationally recognized—such as Kellogg’s cereal or
Sapporo beer. While lower-priced goods and services are available in
these markets, the study estimated the cost of supporting the standard
of living expected by expatriate employees, says Lee Quane, ECA’s
regional director for Asia. Some of the cities, such as Seoul and
Stockholm, jumped up in the ranking as the local currency strengthened
against the U.S. dollar. Quane says that while a slowdown in business
may tempt employers to scale back compensation, “recessions only last
so long” and retaining top talent in these places is critical to
companies’ success when the global economy recovers.
Source: “ECA International
1. Tokyo, Japan


Rank in 2009: 2

Food: Lunch at a
Can of beer from grocer:
One kg of rice: $8.47
One dozen

Entertainment: Movie ticket:

Appliances: Washing machine: $879

The strength of the yen has brought Tokyo back to the No. 1 spot on
ECA International’s ranking for the first time since 2005. In addition
to the costs above, rent for a two-bedroom apartment for expats is
typically more than $5,000 per month in Tokyo, according to data from
EuroCost International. While visitors need more pocket money here than
in any other city, the monthly consumer price index in Tokyo’s wards
has actually dropped year-on-year for 14 straight months as of May
2010, based on figures from Japan‘s statistics bureau.
2. Oslo, Norway


Rank in 2009: 8

Food: Lunch at a
Can of beer from grocer:
One kg of rice: $5.66
One dozen

Entertainment: Movie ticket:

Appliances: Washing machine: $880

Oslo rose above Copenhagen as the most expensive city in Europe when
the kroner strengthened against other currencies. ECA International
says an upward trend in oil prices, a short recession, and Norway’s
reputation as a safe haven for investors contributed to the kroner’s
3. Luanda, Angola


Rank in 2009: 1

Food: Lunch at a
Can of beer from grocer:
One kg of rice: $4.73
One dozen

Entertainment: Movie ticket:

Appliances: Washing machine: $912

Angola’s capital slipped to third place this year as the kwanza
depreciated. Prices in Luanda have actually increased in the past year,
but currency changes offset any inflation, according to ECA
International. In addition to everyday goods, EuroCost International
estimates that the average expat pays more than $3,500 per month for a
two-bedroom flat in Luanda.
4. Nagoya, Japan


Rank in 2009: 3

Food: Lunch at a
Can of beer from grocer:
One kg of rice: $9.14
One dozen

Entertainment: Movie ticket:

Appliances: Washing machine: $621

Japan’s fourth most populous city, Nagoya is also among the country’s
most expensive. The city ranks No. 1 for the cost of rice: $9.14 per
kilogram, according to ECA International data. As Japan’s auto hub, the
Nagoya area is an important center of business: about 44 percent of
automobiles produced in Japan are made here, according to the Greater
Nagoya Initiative Center. Such companies as Toyota, Honda, Suzuki,
Mitsubishi, Volkswagen, and General Motors have headquarters,
manufacturing operations, or distribution points in the Nagoya region.
5. Yokohama, Japan


Rank in 2009: 4

Food: Lunch at a
Can of beer from grocer:
One kg of rice: $6.54
One dozen

Entertainment: Movie ticket:

Appliances: Washing machine: $630

About half an hour by commuter train from Tokyo, this port city has
active shipping, biotechnology, and semiconductor industries. Yokohama
is one of the world’s most expensive cities, but companies here enjoy
lower operating costs compared with the nearby capital. Nissan opened a
new headquarters in Yokohama this year and reportedly will sell its
office in Tokyo to cut costs.
6. Stavanger, Norway


Rank in 2009: 14

Food: Lunch at a
Can of beer from grocer:
One kg of rice: $5.71
One dozen

Entertainment: Movie ticket:

Appliances: Washing machine: $749

This small seaside city earned its riches from oil in the North Sea
and has become known as Norway’s petroleum capital. Stavangerexpats.com
says food expenses in Norway are about 50 percent higher than the EU
average: A can of soda is about $2.80, and a beer at a bar can be $12.
7. Kobe, Japan


Rank in 2009: 6

Food: Lunch at a
Can of beer from grocer:
One kg of rice: $8.57
One dozen

Entertainment: Movie ticket:

Appliances: Washing machine: $470

The city has one of Japan’s largest ports and has become home to many
heavy machinery, iron and steel, and food product companies. According
to the Japan External Trade Organization, 117 foreign and
foreign-affiliated companies have offices in Kobe. As the price of Kobe
beef, the style of high-grade meat named after the city, suggests,
food is costly here, as are other living expenses.
8. Copenhagen, Denmark


Rank in 2009: 7

Food: Lunch at
a restaurant:
Can of beer from grocer:
One kg of rice: $4.85
One dozen

Entertainment: Movie ticket:

Appliances: Washing machine: $1,196

A 2009 “survey” of 73 international cities by UBS found that employees
in Copenhagen have the highest income. Places with higher salaries
often have higher prices, but residents here enjoy good living
standards overall. Some examples of the cost of living: Renting a DVD
costs about $8 per night, a pair of women’s jeans is more than $150,
and a one-way ticket on public transport costs about $3.70.
9. Geneva, Switzerland


Rank in 2009: 9

Food: Lunch at a
Can of beer from grocer:
One kg of rice: $3.81
One dozen

Entertainment: Movie ticket:

Appliances: Washing machine: $1,304

Geneva, home to many companies and U.N. organizations, is one of the
most expensive cities for food and household appliances. Food prices in
Switzerland are 45 percent more expensive than in the rest of Western
Europe, and the cost of electronics and appliances in Geneva is among
the highest worldwide, according to a 2009 UBS report.
10. Zurich, Switzerland


Rank in 2009: 10

Food: Lunch at a
Can of beer from grocer:
One kg of rice: $3.36
One dozen

Entertainment: Movie ticket:

Appliances: Washing machine: $974

Zurich, Switzerland’s largest city, is the country’s main business
center and the headquarters city for many financial companies,
including UBS and Credit Suisse. Although Zurich had the greatest
number of company bankruptcies in Switzerland last year, according to
Dun & Bradstreet, the inflation rate started to increase again this
year after falling in 2009.

here to see the full list of the World’s Most Expensive Cities 2010

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Book Review: Rich Like Them by Ryan D’Agostino via [thesimpledollar.com and blog.budgetpulse]


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Cover of

Cover via Amazon

Rich Like
Them: My Door-to-Door Search for the Secrets of Wealth in America’s
Richest Neighborhoods
by Ryan D’Agostino

Buy new: $10.40 / Used from: $9.40
Usually ships in 24 hours

One: Open Your Eyes

We’re all almost drowning in opportunities. The problem is
that many of us simply don’t see them. We’re either too focused on the
specific little thing at hand or simply aren’t keeping our mind open
when we’re “off the clock.” Every person you meet and every situation
you’re in is an opportunity not only to improve yourself, but to connect
to others and open the door to money-making possibilities.

What steps can you take? Build relationships with people – and, even
better, try to connect those relationships to each other, because
bringing people together in a useful way is one of the best things you
can do. Listen to what people are actually saying and doing – and try as
hard as you can to keep your own conclusions out of the mix.

Two: Luck Doesn’t Exist

Luck is mostly about preparation. If you have the
ability to record great ideas and to take immediate advantage of
opportunities that come your way, you’ll seem much more lucky than the
guy who never writes anything down and doesn’t have a hefty savings

What steps can you take? Write down ideas as soon as they come to
you. Have an “opportunity fund” in the bank in cash form that
you can use when something great comes along. Surround yourself with
people who are doing useful and interesting things.

Three: The Economics of

Find something you’re passionate
about and throw yourself in head first. Become obsessed with
what you’re doing. Read everything you can get your hands on. Meet
everyone even remotely related to your passion. Try it all. Practice,
practice, practice.

What steps can you take? Figure out what you’re truly passionate
about, then when you find it, make it central to your life. Surround
yourself with people and activities that reinforce that passion. Become
so obsessed, in fact, that others sometimes find it almost scary.

Four: The Myth of Risk

Risk is real, but most people use risk as an excuse not to try things.
Instead, you should build a safety net for yourself and take that leap
sometimes. A risk that others aren’t willing to take is often the source
of an incredible opportunity for someone who is passionate and is

What steps can you take? Make your own life as financially secure as
you can. Dig into opportunities and figure out their real risks. Realize
that if something is truly in your wheelhouse, you’re likely to face
less risk than someone less impassioned.

Five: Humility

Above all, no matter what happens, be humble. Humility takes you far
in life – you can mess up and you will. The way you
treat others often winds up matching the way they treat you, especially
at that key moment when you really need their help.

What steps can you take? Treat everyone well. Don’t
complain about the behavior of others – instead, set your own example.
Be humble about your accomplishments instead of bragging about them.

The Best Part: Little
Points of Wisdom

The part of this book that
really stuck with me was the short principles and quotes inserted
throughout the book every few pages. I collected these pieces together,
simply because I thought they were so incredibly worthwhile:

Don’t forget your goal – even when you’re on vacation
others see death, imagine life
When you hear someone say “If only I
could…,” you’re hearing an opportunity
Connect the people you meet

Even when you find the sure thing, save some money for a rainy day

Once you connect the dots, follow through
Choose your purpose, and
don’t let anyone tell you you’re wrong
Remember: with time comes
free money
Watch your pennies, no matter how many you have
your cool – it’s a big part of persevering
Don’t deviate from your
planned path to get a quick gain
Perseverance doesn’t take forever

Once you find your calling, persevering is easy
Remember that you
can’t do a business transaction with yourself
Prepare to get lucky

Find a driver other than money – it’s usually more lucrative than money
Do one thing and do it well
Obsess over whatever job you
Take your mind off the money – you’ll earn more
Don’t plan
a career – plan a life
Obsession makes you work harder
If you
look forward to going to work, that’s a good sign
Discover love
through immersion
Turn fear into passion
Never stop being a
Calculate every risk – even the one you live in
Look for
your window to go solo
You want autonomy? Let it motivate you

Be cocky when it counts
Don’t worry about what other people think

Reduce risk by believing in yourself
When you fail miserably,
If you hate your career, um, change it
Sometimes the
biggest risk is doing nothing
Never let pride get in the way of
Be humble even if you’re as rich as Brooke Astor

Understand your limitations
Don’t be a slave to Plan A – it’ll
prevent you from seeing plan B
Don’t be afraid to make less than
your spouse
Never feel as if you’re too successful to sweat

Remember that you are not, nor will you ever be, a god or goddess

Good stuff, all around. Somewhere in there is a piece of advice that
is probably a life changer for you.

Is Rich Like Them Worth Reading?

Rich Like Them is a spectacular handbook for
someone who is a self-starter with an entrepreneurial bent. If you’ve
got a strong desire to build your own success, the advice in this book
can provide a great foundation.

If that doesn’t sound like you, Rich Like Them doesn’t have as much to offer.
Unlike The Millionaire Next Door and The Difference, the focus here is strongly on
entrepreneurial behaviors – taking advantage of the opportunities around

So, here’s the deal: if you have an entrepreneurial nature, Rich Like Them is an excellent read; if not, I
highly recommend giving The Millionaire Next Door and The Difference a read.


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