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Top o’ the Mornin’ Introducing SEXY Irish Coffee French Toast


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Irish Coffee French Toast

UD - Irish Coffee French Toast

Yields:2 servings (4 slices) Cost: About $1.35 per serving
French Toast
1 Forttuna Choco Chunk loaf/cake
2 Farm Fresh eggs
1/2 cup Sheridans Irish Coffee Cream liqueur
1/2 teaspoon Vanilla extract
1 plus tablespoon butter, for cooking
Powdered sugar, for garnish

Irish Coffee Cream Topping:
1/2 can  Non-Dairy Dessert Topping
1 Tablespoon Via Roma instant espresso
6 Tablespoons of Sheridans Irish Cream Coffee liqueur

1.Unwrap the mini cake and turn it on its side. Cut into 4 equal rounds.
2. In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, Irish Coffee Liqueur,and vanilla.
3. Melt about 1 tablespoon of butter in a large frying pan.
4. Thoroughly soak each cake round in the egg mixture and place in the fry pan.
5. Cook 2-3 minutes on each side, until golden brown.
6. While the toast is cooking, empty about half the can of non dairy topping into a bowl and mix in the instant espresso.
7. Place 2 pieces of the toast on 2 plates and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
8. Serve the Irish coffee cream mixture on top.

SHERIDANS – Irish Coffee Cream Liqueur


Visually stunning, it is owned by Gilbey’s, the same group that produces Baileys.

With its white liqueur having a white chocolate richness, and the black of warm coffee and whiskey, the whole rounded off by a chocolate & nutty finish.

Producer: Sheridans
ABV:   15.5%
Brand:   Sheridans

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