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Archive for Vietnam War

Our List of Favorite Cinematic Literary Adaptations via [NYT]

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Cary Fukunaga‘s Favorite Film Adaptations (of the Literature He’s Read)

via NYT

  1. Breakfast at Tiffany’s

    Obviously it’s Truman Capote‘s male perspective of sexual deprivation. Holly Golightly is very clearly a gay male. But there’s something about that female character—as a straight man, there are those women whom you are attracted to who are completely damaged and in a different realm than you’re used to.

  2. Brokeback Mountain

    I thought the film was just heartbreaking. It’s a shame it didn’t win the Academy Award that year. I’m not talking shit about Paul Haggis [who directed Crash]. But Brokeback Mountain is a masterpiece, and it will stand the test of time.

  3. Apocalypse Now (based on Heart of Darkness)

    Obviously the book’s much darker: cannibals, people’s heads on sticks everywhere. And having studied the Vietnam War by that point [when I saw it], too, I didn’t think it was the most accurate Vietnam story. It’s an allegory, and I appreciated it for that.

  4. The Shining

    There’s nothing that compares to the artistry of a horror film like The Shining. My cinematographer and I rewatched the film before doing Jane Eyre, because we appreciated the aesthetic of it, and also the tone and pacing and how it reveals information. And the haunting aspects of being in this huge space—the hotel is its own character, which was what we were trying to communicate, in a very subtle way, with Thornfield.

  5. Lord of the Rings

    I read the novels knowing the films were going to be made, and I really loved them and enjoyed the world. What Peter Jackson did, the special-effects ground he broke bringing that world to life, is amazing. For all the hardcore fans out there not to be displeased with the films is a testament to his research and creative prowess.


DVDs Logan Hill’s Noteworthy DVD Releases

  1. The Killing

    Criterion gussies up Stanley Kubrick’s essential, bleak noir about a racetrack heist with a high-def restoration and kit of extras. The script by crime king Jim Thompson is tight as a noose.

  2. Jane Eyre

    Cary Fukunaga (Sin Nombre) casts two hot stars, Michael Fassbender and Mia Wasikowska, in his satisfyingly Gothic take on Charlotte Brontë’s classic.

  3. Bang Bang Club

    Emerging star Taylor Kitsch sheds his Friday Night Lights football pads to play a daring war photographer, opposite Ryan Phillipe, in this based-on-a-true-story drama set in Apartheid South Africa.

  4. Dexter: Season Five

    Dexter comes to terms with the death of Rita and bonds with Lumen, played by Julia Stiles.

  5. The Colossus of New York

    Eugène Lourié’s freaky-deaky Frankensteinian sci-fi flick from 1958 follows a scientist who embeds his deceased son’s brain in the metal body of a hulking, laser-shooting robot.



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